Executive Committee
Tyler Hayes
Central Oregon Community College
Emily Sharratt
Eastern Oregon University
Nicolle DuPont
Portland State University
Vice-President for Professional Development & Training
Dawn Whiting
Lane Community College
Vice-President for Technology & Communication
Kirby Killen
George Fox University
Karren Cholewinski
Oregon State University
Kara Rutherford
Central Oregon Community College
Kristin Petherbridge
Oregon Health & Science University
Other Positions
Planning Committee Chair
Eric Weller
Central Oregon Community College
Business Partner Coordinator
Brian Palmer
OSU - Cascades
Membership Coordinator
Sarah Moussa-Hale
Central Oregon Community College
Duties and Responsibilities of Executive Committee
The President shall assume full responsibility for all general activities of the association,
coordinate all necessary correspondence with members in regard to annual activities and,
with the assistance of the Executive Committee, oversee programming and serve as chairperson at association meetings. All bills must be approved by the President, or President-appointed committee chair, before payment.
Responsible for overseeing all activities of the association, including the annual meeting
Chair the EC
Approve all expenses, or appoint committee chairs who may approve expenses
Attend the Summer Workshops: provides welcoming remarks, introduce EC members in attendance, encourage OrACRAO participation, thank local host
Run the annual business meeting
Attend AACRAO and PACRAO conferences, if possible (not paid by OrACRAO)
Update this handbook before the summer EC meeting and distribute to EC members
Coordinate reporting of any incidents that may result in a future insurance claim to the insurance company. It’s imperative that any potential insurance event be reported to the venue and the insurance company. Typically venues have an incident report form.
Term of Office
3 years, 1 each as President-Elect, President, and Past-President.
The President-Elect shall act as the chief assistant to the President and shall succeed to that
office in case it becomes vacant. The President-Elect will become President the following year.
In addition, the President-Elect will make site arrangements for the annual meeting to be held
the following year.
Assist the President
Select a site for the next year's conference in consultation with the EC
Contact and visit prospective sites
Develop, review, and sign contract by April 1 in consultation with President and Past-President
Serve on the Planning Committee
Review financial statements and checking account prior to executive committee meetings and annual meeting
If possible, attend the annual AACRAO Leadership meeting in Washington DC in the fall (up to $1200 paid by OrACRAO)
Term of Office
3 years, 1 each as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. This position
rotates between individuals from a 2-year public, 4-year public, and private institutions.
The Past-President shall serve in an advisory capacity to the current President and chair the
Nomination and Elections Committee. In addition, the Past-President shall be responsible for
the recognition of retirees at the annual meeting.
Provide support, guidance, and organizational memory for President, EC, and PC
Responsible for all aspects of recognitions at annual meeting:
Honorary members
Professional contributions to other organizations (e.g., AACRAO/PACRAO)
Bob Tufts and Herb Chereck awards
Coordinate, or delegate coordination, of Oregon dinners at AACRAO and PACRAO
responsible for N & E
Term of Office
3 years, 1 each as President-Elect, President, and Past-President.
Vice-President for Professional Development and Training
The Vice-President for Professional Development and Training coordinates the professional development and training program and shall succeed to the office of President-Elect in the event it becomes vacant.
Coordinate and implement Summer Workshops
In cooperation with EC, identify location(s), select topic, and solicit presenter
Manage site details (catering, room)
Monitor registration and ensure payment of all attendees
Attend workshop and manage onsite logistics
Coordinate and implement Oregon Transfer Days
Schedule fairs at all sites
Manage look and feel of materials, posters used to advertise to students, and schedule
Oversee registration and ensure all participants have paid
Serve as liaison to participating community colleges, and attend some events to spot check
Manage scholarships for Annual Meeting
Term of Office
2 years, beginning in odd-numbered years.
Vice-President for Technology and Communication
The Vice-President for Technology and Communication shall be responsible for maintaining the
online event registration system, the association website, and the association listserv.
Manage online registration system
Manage OrACRAO website
Make updates and post relevant items at request of EC members
Review full site annually for needed updates
Serve as liaison to webmaster/vendors
Manage OrACRAO listserv
Add and remove members
Manage updates on behalf of the Membership Coordinator
Troubleshoot problems and ensure ongoing functioning
Update EC email addresses (e.g., president@oracrao.org) immediately after annual meeting
Responsible for conference photos and social media
Term of Office
2 years, beginning in even-numbered years.
The secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the association. This person shall keep
the minutes of the annual meeting and the meetings of the Executive Committee. This person shall edit, publish, and distribute all official publications issued in the name of the association.
Keep official meeting minutes of the annual business meeting and give report at next year's annual business meeting
Keep EC meeting minutes, notes, and action items
Responsible for compiling the conference program and managing publication and printing
Responsible for website content
Term of Office
2 years, beginning in odd-numbered years.
The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the association. This person shall collect
membership dues and pay all bills rendered to the association when approved for payment by
the President, or President-appointed committee chair. This person shall prepare a financial report to be presented to the members of the association at the time of the annual business meeting, and prepare financial reports to be presented at each EC meeting. This person shall file taxes annually on behalf of the association.
Maintain bank accounts, records all transactions, and keeps receipts
Pay bills and write reimbursement checks
Intake membership dues
Intake payments for Summer Workshops, annual conference, and OTD
Present financial statement at EC meetings and Annual Meeting
File taxes annually by November 15
Pay annual incorporation fee
Pay insurance premiums
Term of Office
3 years, 1 year as Treasurer elect, 2 years as Treasurer
Treasurer Elect:
The treasurer-elect shall act as the chief assistant to the treasurer and shall succeed to that office in case it becomes vacant. At the direction of the treasurer the treasurer-elect shall assist in the preparation of the budget, collection of dues, and any other duties as assigned by the treasurer. The treasurer-elect shall succeed to the office of treasurer the following year.
Term of Office
3 years, 1 year as Treasurer elect, 2 years as Treasurer
OrACRAO Ad Hoc Positions
Membership Coordinator
The Membership Coordinator works with the EC to keep up-to-date membership lists and solicit
dues. This position does not require travel or conference attendance. This is a two-year
renewable term appointed by the EC in odd-numbered years. The Membership Coordinator reports to the President.
Business Partner Coordinator
The Business Partner Coordinator develops and maintains relationships with members of the
business community to attract funding and encourage their participation in OrACRAO activities
including the annual conference. The Business Partner Coordinator is also responsible for
working with the Planning Committee on exhibitor arrangements at the conference and is
expected to attend the conference. This is a two-year renewable term appointed by the EC in even-numbered years. The Business Partner Coordinator reports to the President-Elect.
Planning Committee Chair
Oversee all conference planning activities, organize the Planning Committee, and provide updates to the President and the Executive Committee as necessary. Manage the conference site contract, coordinate with the conference site for planning meetings and the conference event, and in coordination with the President, review and approve billing with the conference site.