Oregon College of Art and Craft
Mailing Address
8245 SW Barnes Rd
Portland, OR 97225
Main Phone Number: 503.297.5544
Admissions Phone Number: 971.255.4192
Records Phone Number: 971.255.4230
Main Website URL: ocac.edu
General email requests: communications@ocac.edu
Curriculum & Transfer Information
Transfer Tables: NA
Transcript Information
Transcript Address:
8245 SW Barnes Rd
Portland, OR 97225
Send/Receive EDI transcripts: No
EDI Contact: NA
Electronic transcripts accepted: Yes
Electronic transcript email address: registrar@ocac.edu
Electronic transcript provider: NA
OrACRAO Fax accepted: Yes
Fax Number: 503.297.9651
Technology Information
Student information system: Kula SIS (home-grown, MySQL-based)
Archival system: In-house
Degree audit system: Kula SIS
Scheduling system: Kula SIS
Diploma service: Diplomas on Demand from Scrip Safe
Directory Information
Main OrACRAO Contact: Gwen Hyatt