Constitution of Oregon Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (Articles of Incorporation)
Article I – NAME
The name of the organization shall be the Oregon Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (OrACRAO).
Article II – PURPOSE
Section I:
The purpose of this Association shall be
To provide for the dissemination of information and the interchange of ideas on problems of mutual interest to the individual participants of the member institutions.
To foster a better understanding of the activities of member institutions and to develop a spirit of cooperativeness, helpfulness, and unity in the solution of mutual problems.
Section II:
Among the activities accepted and understood to be within the established authority and jurisdiction of the Association for the fulfillment of these purposes are the following.
The holding of at least one meeting per year.
The publication of regular or special bulletins.
The conducting of cooperative studies and surveys, on the initiative of this Association or in joint responsibility with other organizations of similar general purpose.
The dissemination of information on problems of common interest to its members.
The arranging and conducting of professional development training seminars.
Section I:
Membership in the Association shall consist of higher education professionals who meet the criteria listed hereafter. Members are those who have paid in full annual dues in accordance with the amount and regulations established by the Executive Committee. Membership options:
Institutional Members: Institutional membership is afforded to those regionally accredited institutions recognized by the Oregon Department of Education. Only one institutional membership will be required for those institutions with multiple campuses or centers within the State of Oregon. Institutional members may list as many individuals in the OrACRAO directory as deemed necessary by the institutional member in order to conduct business within the Association. During annual meetings, all individual institutional members present may vote on Association issues. For special elections, each institution shall have two votes, one for the Registrar’s Office and one for the Office of Admissions. On campuses where one person serves in both capacities, the institution shall have two votes.
Associate Members: Associate membership is afforded to those regionally accredited institutions whose primary campus resides outside of the State of Oregon, is recognized by another state or province’s governing body and who will benefit by participating in Association activities. Associate members may list as many individuals in the OrACRAO directory as deemed necessary to conduct business within the Association. Associate members may not vote on Association issues.
Corporate Members: Corporate membership shall be granted to those organizations that provide products and services to benefit Association members. Corporate members may list up to four individuals in the OrACRAO directory per membership, but may not use the directory for solicitation purposes. Corporate members may not vote on Association issues.
Honorary Members: The Executive Board may grant a permanent honorary membership to those individuals who have a long-standing record of service to the Association. Honorary members may not vote on Association issues, but will be listed in the OrACRAO directory. Honorary members will not be required to pay dues to participate in Association activities.
Section II:
Participation in the conference, panels and discussions of the Association shall be open to all faculty and staff of member institutions who are charged with any responsibilities in admissions or registration related activity. In addition, companies and agencies are invited to promote admissions or registration services at the annual conference at a cost to be determined by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee has the authority to approve or deny additional attendees at its discretion.
Section I:
The executive officers of the Association shall be a president, a past president, a president-elect, a vice-president for professional development and training, a vice-president for technology and communication, a secretary, a treasurer, and a treasurer-elect. The president-elect, the vice-presidents, the secretary, and the treasurer-elect shall be elected at the spring meeting. A simple majority of institutional members present and voting is necessary to elect officers. The new officers shall assume office at the end of the spring meeting.
Section II:
The executive officers named in Section I shall constitute an Executive Committee with power to fix the time and place of the next meeting as provided in the bylaws, to assist in arranging the program, and to assist the president in conducting the business of the Association.
This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the institutional members who are present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to the institutional members at least one month in advance of the meeting. An amendment not thus proposed in advance may be adopted by a four-fifths vote of the institutional members present and voting.
Section I:
Upon the winding up and dissolution of this association, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the association, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or association, which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or religious and/or scientific purposes and which has established its not-for-profit status under the Internal Revenue Code. (For example, American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, One Dupont Circle, N.W., Suite 330, Washington, D.C. 20036-1110.)
Section II:
No part of the net earnings of this association shall ever inure to or for the benefit of or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the association shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the exempt purposes for which it was formed.
Section III:
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an association exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
By Laws
Article I – FEES
Section I:
The annual institutional membership fee and due date shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section II:
Any member institution which shall fail to pay annual dues within sixty (60) days of the published due date will, after notice in writing from the Association, be dropped from the membership rolls and shall not be eligible for reinstatement and association benefits until annual dues have been paid.
Section III:
Individual participants in any Association activities shall pay a registration fee as determined by the Executive Committee.
Section I:
The association shall hold at least one meeting per year at a time that does not conflict with either the annual regional meeting of the PACRAO or the annual national meeting of the AACRAO.
Section II:
The location and date(s) are to be chosen by the Executive Committee with due regard to geographical rotation. The Executive Committee shall also have the power to advance, postpone, or omit an annual meeting in case of emergency.
Section I:
The president-elect shall serve a three year term; the first year as president-elect, the second year as president, and the third year as past president. The treasurer-elect shall serve a two year term; the first year as treasurer-elect, the second year as treasurer. All other officers hold office for a two-year term. . If the annual meeting is omitted or postponed, the officers will hold office until their successors are duly elected. No person may serve successive terms in the same office. Care should be taken to provide representation from all areas: community college and university, public and private, Registrars and Admissions Officers. Whenever possible, the president elect position rotates each year among 4-year public, 2-year public, and private institutions
Section II:
The president shall assume full responsibility for all general activities of the Association, coordinate all necessary correspondence with members and serve as chairperson at Association meetings. All bills must be approved by the president, or president-appointed committee chair, before payment.
Section III:
The president-elect shall act as the chief assistant to the president and shall succeed to that office in case it becomes vacant. The president-elect will become president the following year. In addition, the president-elect will make site arrangements for the annual meeting to be held the following year.
Section IV:
The past president shall serve in an advisory capacity to the current president and chair the Nomination and Elections Committee. In addition, the past president shall be responsible for the recognition of retirees at the Spring meeting.
Section V:
The vice-president for professional development and training shall coordinate Association professional development and training activities. In addition, the vice-president shall succeed to the office of president-elect in the event it becomes vacant.
Section VI:
The vice-president for technology and communication shall be responsible for maintaining the online event registration system, the Association website, and the Association listserv.
Section VII:
The secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the Association. This person shall keep the minutes of the annual meeting and the meetings of the Executive Committee, and maintain website content.
Section VIII:
The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Association. This person shall collect membership dues and pay all bills rendered to the Association when approved for payment by the president. This person shall prepare a financial report to be presented to the members of the Association at the time of the annual meeting and each executive committee meeting. In addition, the treasurer will file taxes annually.
Section IX:
The treasurer-elect shall act as the chief assistant to the treasurer and shall succeed to that office in case it becomes vacant. At the direction of the treasurer the treasurer-elect shall assist in the preparation of the budget, collection of dues, and any other duties as assigned by the treasurer. The treasurer-elect shall succeed to the office of treasurer the following year.
Section X:
Any vacancies not covered by the constitution can be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Section I:
Ad Hoc Committees and positions. The association shall be served by ad hoc committees and positions as deemed necessary and appropriate by the president in consultation with the Executive Committee. These committees and positions shall be appointed to perform designated and specific services for the Association with the duration of appointment determined by the president as appropriate to the nature and extent of the services to be performed.
Section II:
Nominations and Elections shall be coordinated by Nominations and Elections Committee.
Each year, the standing Nominations and Elections Committee will create a slate of Executive Committee officers for open positions and
a slate of four Nomination and Election Committee members and one alternate for the following year's Nominations and Elections Committee. No member shall be eligible to serve on this Committee during successive years. Care should be taken to provide representation from all areas: community college and university, public and private, registrars and admissions officers. Both slates require approval by the standing Executive Committee before being published. The Past-President will serve as the fifth voting member of the Nominations and Elections Committee.
Both slates will be published to the membership not less than 30 days before the annual business meeting. The membership will vote on each slate separately at the annual business meeting.
The Oregon Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers shall be represented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and the annual meeting of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers by the President of the Association or a designee.
The fiscal year of the Association shall cover the period from July 1 to June 30.
These Bylaws may be amended at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment was sent to the members at least one month in advance of the meeting. An amendment not thus proposed in advance may be adopted by a four-fifths vote of the members present and voting.