OrACRAO Fax Guidelines
The Oregon Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (OrACRAO), in accordance with guidelines established by the AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers) Fax Guidelines Task Force, has established an agreement among voluntary members to accept as official faxed copies of those documents listed in Table A below, sent in accordance with the guidelines described herein.
Receiving Documents:
Cover Sheet: All documents will have an accompanying cover sheet containing the information outlined in the next section (Sending Documents).
Fax Machine: Association members will accept as official documents only those faxes sent directly to designated offices having fax machines in a secure environment.
Verification: In cases of questionable faxed documents, the recipient will contact the sender by telephone and request that the document be resubmitted or reviewed. If the origin of the document is in question, the receiver will call the sending institution’s number (confirmed in the OrACRAO directory), and verify transmittal.
Priority: Faxed documents will receive no priority over documents received through alternative delivery methods, and will be treated as regular daily mail with deadlines established for such. In the case of verification, the original sending date will be the official date only if the original documents are determined to be authentic and official. If the original fax is incomplete, the priority date will be determined by the date on which all faxed documents are received.
Confidentiality: Documents received via fax are considered confidential and managed in accordance with guidelines established by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Sending Documents:
Cover Sheet: Only official representatives of sending office will be permitted to send official documents. All documents sent will be accompanied by the OrACRAO Common Cover Sheet, and will include all of the following:
Name of institution sending
Telephone number of sender
Name and title of sender
Fax number of sender
Description of the document
Number of pages
Student name
Student ID number and/or social security number
type of document
Name of recipient
Security: Member institutions will guarantee that fax machines sending or receiving official documents are located in a secure environment, are not accessible to the public, and are not sending or receiving documents visible to the public.
Fees: The charge for sending faxed documents will be determined by the sending institution.
Table A:
The following is a list of faxed documents which participating institutions may accept as official if sent and received in accordance with guidelines outlined in this policy statement. Each institution will designate those documents considered to be official within its own policy.
Application for Admission
Application for Scholarship
Credit Card Authorization
FERPA Request Release
Financial Aid Application
Financial Aid Transcript
Financial Aid Statement (International student)
Enrollment Verification/Good Student Discount
Housing Application
Immunization Information
Letter of Degree Completion from Degree-Granting Institution
Letter of Good Standing
Letter of Intent to Enroll
Letter of Recommendation
Letter of Verification
Orientation Application
Test Scores (AP, CLEP, ACT/SAT, IB)
Transcripts from High Schools or Colleges within the US or its territories
Transcript Requests